On a more personal level...

Why I became a counselor:  I've seen people struggle to make it through one more day. And I've seen people faced with life challenges overcome them to reach an even greater potential. I became a counselor to help people through those difficult times. We all have them and we can all benefit from having someone to talk to and work through challenges with us.  

Best part of my work:

When a client has that aha moment, that defining moment when things become clear, insight and wisdom is gained and they realize they can use it to change their life. 

What clients say about me:

I've been told that I am easy to talk to, down to earth and people feel comfortable opening up to me. Don't take their word for it. Give me a call. I offer a free 15-minute consultation.

What I tell my friends and family:

You may not be able to change the situation, but you can change how you think and feel about it. It's important to remember you have a choice.

Also asking for help is a sign of strength and shows that you have courage.  

Practice philosophy:

Counseling is journey of self-discovery, of becoming more aware, understanding your emotions and growing through them. I believe everyone has the innate ability to grow and heal. Being able to openly explore your thoughts and feelings and express yourself freely can bring you to a place of greater self-awareness and personal growth.  

Favorite health tip:

I have too many to list just one, so here's a few:

Exercise, exercise, exercise! It is great to improve your mood.

Laugh a lot and smile even when you don't feel like it. Read about the health benefits of smiling.

Drink water, not soda throughout the day to stay hydrated, take a good multivitamin to fill in the nutritional gaps, listen to your body and practice gratitude.

How I spend my free time:

I love traveling and experiencing different places and cultures; spending time in nature hiking, camping, kayaking; getting together with friends and family, and traveling the mountain roads.